Top 10 Best Action Movies on Netflix in 2023

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Top 10 Best Action Movies on Netflix Right Now in 2023

In the fast-paced world of streaming entertainment, Netflix continues to expand its library with a variety of content, including an ever-growing collection of action movies. For those seeking adrenaline-pumping thrills and heart-pounding sequences, the streaming giant has not disappointed in recent years. Today, I will tell the top 10 best action movies on Netflix that have managed to captivate audiences and even climb their way into the coveted Netflix Top 10.

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Top 10 Best Action Movies on Netflix in 2023

Top 10 Best Action Movies on Netflix in 2023

Number 1: “The Raid 1 & 2”

Taking the top spot on our list is “The Raid 1 & 2.” These movies follow Rama, a rookie cop, and a SWAT team as they engage in relentless battles against criminals to bring down a notorious drug lord. “The Raid: Redemption” and its sequel, “The Raid 2,” are hailed as some of the most brutal and astonishing action films of the 2000s, offering stylized fights and incredible set pieces that have made them iconic in the genre. Together, they represent one of the most outstanding action franchises available on Netflix.

Number 2: “RRR”

“RRR” lands at number 2, bringing an epic, over-the-top action spectacle set against the backdrop of Indian revolutionaries fighting against the British Raj. This high-grossing Indian film offers an array of elements, from action and violence to romance, special effects, adventure, and humor, delivering a colossal 3-hour cinematic experience that is bound to impress action enthusiasts.

Number 3: “Extraction 1 & 2”

“Extraction 1 & 2” secure the third position, with Chris Hemsworth taking the lead as Tyler Rake, a mercenary specializing in extracting individuals from perilous situations. These films are the cornerstones of Netflix’s original action franchise, featuring stunning stunts, breathtaking chases, and savage fights, all making for must-see action-packed experiences.

Number 4: “The Night Comes for Us”

At number 4, “The Night Comes for Us” presents a tale of an elite assassin who forsakes his criminal life to protect a young girl, leading to a violent showdown with a horde of gangsters. Known for its stylish and gory fight scenes, this movie is one of the bloodiest and most thrilling on our list, boasting epic martial arts battles that will leave viewers breathless.

Number 5: “Bullet Train”

“Bullet Train” speeds into the fifth spot, as it plunges into the life of an assassin named Ladybug, who finds himself on a mission aboard the world’s fastest train, entangled in a web of deadly adversaries. Directed by David Leitch and featuring Brad Pitt, this film combines action and comedy in a fast-paced and gory package, providing an exhilarating cinematic journey.

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Number 6: “Baahubali 1 & 2”

In the sixth spot, we have “Baahubali 1 & 2,” an Indian action epic that combines imaginative storytelling and grandeur. Spanning over 5 hours between the two films, this saga follows a young boy who discovers his royal lineage and embarks on a quest to reclaim his legacy. “Baahubali” stands as an awe-inspiring double dose of action and adventure.

Number 7: “Avengement”

“Avengeent” lands at number 7, delivering a gritty and violent storyline about a man’s transformation into a cold-blooded killer while in prison. Scott Adkins gives a standout performance in this intense and bloody film filled with brutal fights and unrelenting action, ensuring a gripping experience for fans of intense combat sequences.

Number 8: “The Old Guard”

“The Old Guard” takes the eighth position, offering a unique twist on the action genre. This film follows a group of mercenaries with the ability to heal rapidly who strive to protect their secret from being exploited. Despite its depth, the film excels in its action sequences, featuring intense hand-to-hand combat and adrenaline-pumping gun battles, making it a must-watch for action enthusiasts.

Number 9: “The Harder They Fall”

Our ninth spot belongs to “The Harder They Fall,” a Western action film that centers around outlaw Nat Love and his quest for revenge when his sworn enemy, Rufus Buck, is released from prison. Boasting an excellent cast led by Idris Elba and Jonathan Majors, this movie stands out with its style, soundtrack, and top-notch shoot-out scenes, making it an engaging watch even for those who aren’t necessarily fans of Westerns.

Number 10: “Triple Frontier”

“Triple Frontier” opens our list at number 10, taking us on a thrilling ride with five ex-special forces operatives who band together to rob a South American drug lord. Starring a stellar cast that includes Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Pedro Pascal, and Charlie Hunnam, this Netflix original presents a pulse-pounding action-thriller that might not be a timeless classic, but it’s a solid choice for an action-packed weekend afternoon.


Netflix has transformed the way we consume action films, providing a diverse selection of intense and thrilling movies that cater to a broad range of tastes. These top 10 action movies on Netflix have not only entertained viewers but also managed to secure a place in Netflix’s coveted Top 10 list, a testament to their enduring popularity among audiences seeking action-packed excitement. So, whether you’re a fan of heart-pounding shoot-outs, brutal fight sequences, or epic adventures, there’s something for everyone in the world of Netflix action cinema.

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